Treatment Methods
Over the last few decades, innovations
have produced exciting techniques for helping individuals and families
change. Here is a brief description of various treatments that are available
in our work together. There are "pros and cons" to any type
of treatment. No one treatment is suitable for all clients nor for all
problems. During your assessment, I will discuss treatment options available
to you. If you need more information, you can check out links to other
pages here on the web site. Other reference material may be available
upon request. The choice is your to make and will be met with the support
and respect that you deserve. Please note that these are very
general descriptions of the treatment methods that we might utilize.
During our sessions I would be glad to answer any questions that you
might have. Each of the treatment methods are currently used by other
therapists in the field. But, because of differences in philosophy,
training, or experience some methods are more widely used than others.
Some techniques may seem unusual, especially if you have not heard of
them before. I have chosen to train in these methods; there is substantial
clinical or scientific evidence that they are effective. I believe that
therapy should be a process of empowerment and/or healing so that you
can move forward as rapidly as possible. Most clients come into treatment
wanting to understand the "why" of their situation and problem(s).
Traditional forms of psychotherapy often explored the "why"
with an insight-oriented approach. Often these involved an extensive
kind of archeological approach. Using psychodynamic approaches counselors
explored the past in great detail as both client and therapist weaving
together the past with present behaviors. There is an enduring assumption
that insight and understanding will almost automatically lead to positive
change. However, I have often found that answers to the "why"
rarely yield a swift and transformational change. In fact, disproportionate
time spent reviewing one's painful past can sometimes be discouraging
and even foster feelings of helplessness. Sometimes it can cause people
to feel more stuck and hopeless in their situation in the short run.
These methods may work effectively in a longer term format when treatment
may require significantly longer time and cost. Many of the methods
we may use in our work can produce useful insights but our emphasis
is usually reaching your stated goals. And doing so in a way that fits
for you. Here are some of the services that
I offer: Marital/Couple Therapy Often couples come in together
for their first session to help get a better understanding of what is
going on. The second and third sessions are utilized to gather detailed
social history with each individual separately. After gathering this
critical information, we can often work with couples to improve communication
skills, and develop new ways of relating.. Sometimes it is necessary
to work individually using one or more of the other techniques described
here to resolve hurts, change unproductive patterns, and rekindle positive
feelings.. Treatment may involve some homework "prescriptions"
to help facilitate new change. Relationships are complex and differences
in personality styles, family background, culture, and conflict resolution
inevitably cause a snag. For more information on couples work check
out my other link for more information. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Our thoughts are constantly changing
and moving through our awareness like cars whizzing on a freeway. When
thoughts and emotions become linked together, they often result in perceptions
that are exaggerated or distorted. When these thoughts won't go away
and when they come bundled with powerful emotions, they begin to disrupt
or and over shadow our lives. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) provides
clients with tools to recognize the sort of cognitive mistakes that
we all make. It also provides people with techniques for confronting
these unproductive thoughts and emotional states. To be successful at
using this technique, clients will need to do some reading and use worksheets
or brief journals to track your progress. Like any new habit, it will
take some time to integrate this into a new way of thinking and behaving.
For more information check the "Stress
Management" and "Homework"
pages. EEG Neurofeedback Forms of biofeedback have been
in use for over 25 years. All forms of biofeedback use equipment to
monitor different body functions and presents us information in the
form of sounds and images. In doing so, clients can rapidly learn to
minimize or eliminate a wide variety of symptoms and achieving a new
level of physical and emotional balance. Symptoms of anxiety, depression,
anger, ADD, and trauma are rooted in the brain and central nervous systems.
Differences in genetics or in past experiences shape the body's response
patterns to stress and other challenges. Neurofeedback works like "trainer
wheels" for the brain. It is a form of training that brings about
these changes by monitoring brain wave activity and empowering clients
to change their emotional and physical state almost effortlessly. Often
people are able to achieve a lasting reduction in their symptoms without
medications or with a decreased reliance on them. Learn more about this
"cutting edge treatment on another section of this web site. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) EMDR was originally developed to
treat trauma and unresolved emotional grief. However, in recent years,
this radical form of psychotherapy is now applicable to a wider array
of emotional and psychological problems. This method uses different
forms of stimulation such as rapid eye movements, hand taps, or auditory
sound to stimulate a reprocessing of thoughts, emotions, and past experiences
with amazing speed. During sessions, clients are able to revisit prior
experiences and work through situations. This treatment helps to dramatically
reduce the negative emotions connected with past and present experiences,
and makes new responses more likely. For additional information on this
treatment method click on this link. Thought Field Therapy/Emotional Freedom Technique These methods draw partially from
other disciplines such as acupuncture, acupressure, and educational
kinesiology. I often joke with clients that this method is higher on
the "weird scale." However, its utility and fast response
often makes it a useful tool to learn and use. Unlike acupuncture, there
is no pain or needles. Clients use a sensory-motor exercise to change
one's thinking and emotional state. I have found this method to be helpful
about 70% of the time. If you can get past how silly it seems to do
the procedure, it can yield interesting and rapid results. It can be
a helpful tool in one's psychological "tool kit" in dealing
with anger, anxiety, and phobic reactions. Binaural Sound Another useful tool is the use of a variety of recordings or devices that enable us to achieve moderate to deep states of relaxation or to remain alert. Binaural sound or light stimulation (audio-visual entrainment) can be helpful in assisting many to change how they think and feel. The body responds rapidly to various frequencies of sound and light. These techniques have been known for many centuries but their power and use have only been understood over the last three decades. To learn more about achieving of rapid onset of sleep, relaxation, and focused thinking, view that section of this site devoted to this exciting technology available to you. Learn More