Disclaimer: Richard Costa, LCSW is in not responsible for the accuracy or content or subject matter of these links. They are placed here as a courtesy for those persons seeking additional information on the mental health, substance abuse, and related topics.

Web Site Description
NASW National Hdqtrs National Association of Social Wrokers
NASW California Hdqtrs California Chapter of NASW
Child Abuse Prevention Network Legislation and Research
Email Your Congressional Representative Let your voice be heard!!
California Legislation Learn and track state legislation that impacts you and clients
CASA Net Web page related to juvenile court appointed child advocates
California Dept of Social Services On-line regulatory and policy updates
Mental Health Links A good hub for mental health links
Northwest Media Training Great training resources for foster parents and child welfare advocates
EMDR Institute Locate a referral for an EMDR trained therapist in your area. Review research on this powerful technique.
Don Eliums, MFCC Parenting, EMDR, Training, and Consultation
National Adoption Center Information and policy related to adoptions
CAAA Website What's happening in adoptions with private and public adoption agencies.
Yahoo Search the web with these powerful searching tools.
USC School of Social Work A good hub of social work
Permanency Planning Project Info on judicial reform, on foster care and domestic violence. This is run by the National Council of Juvenile Court Judges
A history of child welfare policy A great summary
Reviews social work publications Reviews of recent publications relevant to social work
Adoption Laws Contrasts differences between adoption laws by state

Social Work List Serves

Listserves are great ways to join in on a nation discussion on topical issues. To join, you can email the internet address below using the subscibe message either in the subject area or text area of the email message.

Topic Internet Address Subscribe Message
Child Abuse List subscribe abuse-insert your email address
Computers In Social Work subscribe cti-soc-work-uk your email address
Feminist Social Work subscribe femsw-I your email address
Homelessness Discussion subscribe homeless your email address
Intimate Violence subscribe intvio-I your email address
Outcomes of Mental Health Interventions subscribe outcometen your email address
Social Work Measurements subscribe swmg-list your email address

Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Links